One thing to keep in mind when it comes to these events is that regardless of the size, once you think about registering, start looking around for some place to stay. You never know what else is going on in the area at the same time, and more than once, I've called a half a dozen or more hotels and found them all full.
On a side note, the terrain at the venue should have an impact on your preparation, because it's surely going to effect your day...or rather, your day after.
Peacemaker National Training Center, Gerrardstown, WV
The Mid-Atlantic Spring (2013) Tough Mudder was held at this venue, and the Fall event is going to be held at the same location. This is great, because TMHQ really did a great job with the setup, not just of the course itself, but the transit to and from the course. We parked easily, got on a bus with no delays, and when we were ready to return, the only delay (albeit minimal) was to wait for the bus to fill up. Transition was smooth.
Terrain: Lots of wooded trail running, with some nice hills. The route wound it's way through low-lying areas to take advantage of natural water obstacles. TMHQ decided that instead of running us up along the crest of a hill, they'd snake the path up and down the hill, winding us back and forth, so be ready for that sort of terrain. There are a lot of flat areas, as well, due to the gun ranges. The varied terrain was helpful to us, in that the day was cold, and you spent most of it wet...once the sun came out, you would get a bit of a break and warm up in the low lying areas, but once you got to the top of hill, you'd be hit by the cold winds. I was in the first wave to go out, and after I finished I went by the medical tent, and found it packed with folks who'd developed hypothermia.
Frederick, MD
Crumland Farms is the venue of choice in this area, and I have attended the Mid-Atlantic Tough Mudder (Sept, 2012) as well as the Jungle Cup in March, 2013, at this venue.
If you attend any event in Frederick, I recommend that you consider the Hollerstown Hill B&B, which is located directly across from a school for the deaf. It is also an easy walk to the center of Frederick, with all of it's sights and dining options, which range from excellent BBQ to both Italian and Mediterranean tapas. The Flying Dog Brewery is located in Frederick, as well, so most of the establishments will carry the beers. If you're not a big beer drinker, don't worry...the variety of restaurants in Frederick provides plenty of options.
This is a really good location for all sorts of smaller (5K, 10K) events, as the larger, more popular events could easily overwhelm the area. I really think that the Jungle Cup had a good thing going, it was just too bad that they folded.
Terrain: Mostly flat with some gentle, rolling rises (not really hills). Some water obstacles. Events at this location would be well suited to include more obstacles, and not have so much running across open ground...because it's boring, and if that's what I wanted to do, I'd just sign up for a 10K. This venue is used for multiple different types of events throughout the year, include a Halloween haunted woods event, so you might get a chance to traipse through those areas, as well.
Berkeley Plantation, Charles City, VA
The 2013 Virginia Beach Tough Mudder ("the Tough Mudder that never was", or "The TM canceled due to too much mud") was scheduled to be held at this venue, but thanks to Tropical Storm Andrea, never kicked off. However, in previous years, the Warrior Dash had been held at this venue.
If you're planning to attend an event located at this venue, the Edgewood Plantation B&B is THE place to stay! I'm not kidding...this quaint, historic, and very comfortable B&B is located less than 150 yards from the entrance to the parking area for the venue. Why get stuck in traffic when you can wake up, have a great breakfast, and walk over to the event?
There's excellent dining at the Charles City Tavern, just 4 3/4 miles from the B&B. Dot graciously made reservations for us; the venue is simple, but the food is amazing! So much so that we went back the following night to try items that we'd seen on the menu the previous night!
Terrain: No idea; event was canceled due to mud.
Wintergreen Ski Resort
Located in Nelly's Ford, VA, this venue is surrounded by a rural community. When we attended the Mid-Atlantic Tough Mudder in Oct, 2011, we stayed in Waynesboro, VA, a short distance from the venue. Depending upon other events in the area, hotels may fill up fast, so plan well in advance.
The Tough Mudder is a larger event, and our start time was within the first hour (8-9am) so we were allowed to park at the resort, rather than going to the parking lot at the base of the mountain and riding the bus up.
Terrain: It goes without saying that this resort is hilly. The only flat terrain is in the housing areas. One of the obstacles was referred to as the "death march", and consisted of going up a double-black diamond slope; traversing about a mile, with a 1000 ft elevation change. The amount of steep up and down hill traversals took a toll on some folks, and toward the end of the course I saw a number of folks with overuse injuries. If you're looking at an event in this area, be sure to do your hill work...both up and down.
Morven Park, Leesburg, VA
The 2012 Super Spartan was held at this location, and I have to say that I was saddened to see that it wasn't used again in 2013.
This venue is within easy driving distance for me, so I didn't need to find a place to stay, although there are plenty. Dulles Airport is a short distance from this venue, and there are a good number of hotels in the local area.
This venue is also used for other types of events, one of them being a brewfest. As such, local law enforcement is well versed in traffic management, so while the traffic does slow down as you're trying to get into and out of the venue, it does keep moving.
Terrain: This area was originally an equestrian event facility, and has some nice wooded hill running along it's border. Many of the steeplechase jumps are still in place, and the Spartan event planners had us jumping over all of them, which will take a toll on your lower legs (so make sure you're doing trail runs and box jumps).
Economic Impact
One thing I hadn't really considered when I started running these events is the effect or impact they have on the local area. Mud/obstacle events bring a great deal of traffic into the areas in which they are held, as well as a great deal of money. Depending upon the size and popularity of the event, the traffic can easily overwhelm the local area. For example, in Charles City, VA, traffic can be a problem, because Rt 5 is the primary route to the venue. It's one lane each way, so getting to the venue is going to be tough, particularly for larger events. The folks in Charles City told us about how bad the traffic was during the 2012 Warrior Dash in the area, and how those with available space allowed folks to park on their land for a nominal fee ($5 - $10). At the Tough Mudder in Frederick, MD, in Sept, 2012, traffic was so bad that parking spots in yards sold for $50 or more, and the Sunday event was canceled.
When I attended the Mid-Atlantic Tough Mudder in Oct, 2011, I was checking into my hotel in Waynesboro, VA, and the lady at the desk took a call, and told the caller that due to several events going on at the same time, all hotels between Waynesboro and Blacksburg were completely booked. Having one of these events at the same time as others in the local area can significantly impact your ability to get lodging locally.
Event Registration
The organizations...TMHQ, Spartan, etc...could really do a significant service to those registering for their events by simply noting any concurrent events in the area. When folks register, or afterward, let them know what's coming to or going to be going on in the area at the same time as the event. This is particularly true for the larger events, as it's going to affect things like lodging, travel time, etc.
The organizations...TMHQ, Spartan, etc...could really do a significant service to those registering for their events by simply noting any concurrent events in the area. When folks register, or afterward, let them know what's coming to or going to be going on in the area at the same time as the event. This is particularly true for the larger events, as it's going to affect things like lodging, travel time, etc.
So, with just lodging and meals, these events tend to have a significant, positive economic impact on any area in which they are held. At the Mid-Atlantic (Spring 2013) Tough Mudder, the bus driver on our return to the parking area was from the local, there's also the jobs (albeit short term) that are brought to the area, as well.
Another effect that these events, of all levels, can have on a community includes the health benefits. I was amazed that the trainer at the local gym that my wife worked with in preparing for these events had never heard of them...yet when my wife would talk about the events, someone would hear the word "mudder" and join in the conversation. Imagine the benefits that could be achieved by a gym offering a group training class that used one of these events as a graduation event. The lead trainer could create the team for the event, the gym could sponsor t-shirts, and folks would sign up when they felt they needed to, with the goal of completing the event as a team and the graduation occurring at the finish line.
Patterson Irrigator
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